A selection of covers designed for Duckworth, University of Westminster Press and Rough Guides.

Duckworth B-format, concept and creation

Duckworth B-format, concept and creation

Duckworth B-format, typography and layout

Duckworth B-format, typography and layout

University of Westminster concept and typography

University of Westminster concept and typography

University of Westminster concept and typography

University of Westminster concept and typography

British Guild of Travel Writers concept, art direction, photography and typography

British Guild of Travel Writers concept, art direction, photography and typography

Rough Guides concept and photoshop of found images

Rough Guides concept and photoshop of found images

University of Westminster Press design and layout

University of Westminster design and layout

University of Westminster Press design and layout

LSE Press concept, design and layout

University of Westminster Press design and layout

LSE Press concept, design and layout